Grieving with Hope Grief Group
February 5 - 26 6:40 pm
The church has a role in the ministry of health and healing which began when Jesus sent out His disciples to preach, teach, and heal.
Parish Nursing promotes wellness of body, mind, and spirit to all members of Bethel Lutheran Church and the community. The parish nurse integrates the concept of wholistic care into his/her nursing care and ministry, stressing health maintenance and illness prevention.
Our parish nurse Jeanne Townsend provides leadership in identifying and meeting the health education and support needs of all members of Bethel Lutheran Church. This ministry requires the ongoing support from the congregation, Health Cabinet, and clergy.
Contact Jeanne for:
- Questions about your health concerns
- Assistance navigating the healthcare system
- Assistance in accessing community resources
- Support during times of need
- Requests for education on health-related topics
- Volunteer opportunities
Assists parishioners to achieve higher levels of wellness by improving their spiritual and physical health.
Provides opportunities for the congregation to learn about health issues, individually and in groups.
Available to discuss health concerns, giving clarity and support.
Works with community resources to establish networks that assist with the well-being of the congregation.
Makes referrals to community groups as needed.
Helps members of the congregation or community obtain needed health related services and assists in navigating the healthcare system.
Facilitates the development of support groups for the congregation as needed.
Recruits, prepares, and oversees congregational volunteers to assist with the ministry of health and wholeness.
Are you nearing the age for Medicare and nervous about the whole process? Would you like to know more about what your options are? Were you unable to make the Medicare 101 event?
The Health Cabinet learned FACTS about Medicare from Mitch Anderson, a Bethel member, and an experienced and knowledgeable independent agent/Medicare plan advisor for Prime Time Health Advisors. Watch here for a recording of the event.