Homeward Bound | Annual Concert & Silent Auction

November 12 - 14 2021  |  Online

Homeward Bound, Family Promise Rochester’s annual choir concert and silent auction will be held this fall virtually, with a pre-recorded concert for viewing and an online silent auction. The auction will go live from November 12th to the 14th. You are encouraged to bid or donate.  The Website for the auction is www.32auctions.com/FPRHomewardbound.

Both, the concert and the silent auction will be posted on the Family Promise’s Facebook page on Friday morning (Nov. 12): www.facebook.com/familypromiserochester 

Covid-19 has impacted all of our lives. Our community members who experience housing instability have felt this deeply. Money raised supports the mission of Family Promise Rochester to transform the lives of families experiencing homelessness. Because every child deserves a home.